zaterdag 26 juli 2014

A weekly dose of Pura Vida inspiration!

It's the best time of the year!  Where memories are made and laughs are shared. Those summer days that turn into endless nights. Spent in good company, surrounded by the warm summer air. 

Pura Vida ✌️ 

zondag 20 juli 2014

A weekly dose of Pura Vida inspiration!

"Buy a ticket, pack a bag, make new friends, catch a wave, fall in love, discover what matters, have a great time, and never look back."

What is your favorite holiday destination? ☀️ 

Pura Vida ✌️

zaterdag 12 juli 2014

A weekly dose of Pura Vida inspiration !

Enjoying some sweet summer treats 🍦.

"This was the first time I had seen my best friend, Juliette, since winter break!  We tried the new crepe spot in town and then got ice cream from the best place!!  This was Juliette's first day of summer vacation, and even though it wasn't very sunny, we wanted to make it feel like a fun summer afternoon!" -Hallie

Do you have special plans for this summer? 

Pura Vida ✌️

dinsdag 8 juli 2014

Oranje Koorts & Bijgeloof

De oranje koorts wordt steeds gekker. 

Wat is jouw bijgeloof? 

Wij bij de SieradenFabriek hebben elke wedstrijd weer mooie KNAL-NEON- ORANJE nagels (de nagels worden de avond voor de wedstrijd gelakt en een dag later in de avond er weer afgehaald.) en natuurlijk hebben we onze armbandjes. Wel alleen op de dag van de wedstrijd! 😉

(Leuk weetje: Tijdens de wedstrijd van Costa Rica (lees verlenging) de Pura Vida Bracelets toch even afgedaan. Het besef kwam een beetje laat, maar de armbandjes worden gemaakt in Costa Rica! Gelukkig kwamen we daar op tijd achter en konden we door middel van strafschoppen toch nog winnen! Onze excuses voor de extra spanning, hartkloppingen, ruzies, kinderen die moe werden, maar vooral geen excuses voor de enorme ontlading! Alsof we de beker al in ontvangst mochten nemen! Zal het vanavond weer zo gaan? ⚽️)

Hier de 'beruchte' armbandjes. 

(Van links naar rechts) 

PVB Hair Ties Neon Orange €1,99
PVB Dutch Flag Braided €7,99
PVB Red, White, Blue Original €4,99 
Orange Love €4,99 

(PVB = Pura Vida Bracelets)

Daarnaast hebben wij ons oranje jurkje aan. Met de letters op de achterkant (tja ook bijgeloof haha) 😄 

En en en wordt er geappt voor de wedstrijd 😄

Je leest het al! We zijn er weer klaar voor ⚽️

Ben benieuwd naar jullie oranje koorts/ bijgeloof. 

Pura Vida ✌️ 


maandag 7 juli 2014

Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow.

Don't fuss about the past, it's already behind you. The future holds something amazing for you.

Pura Vida ✌️

zondag 6 juli 2014

Today I am choosing...

Happiness is a choice. And it's free! So why not choose to be happy? It's much easier to be happy and face life with a positive outlook then to go against life and be miserable. The first step is simply just to smile more and the contagion of a smile will bring you and those around you happiness. Of course, you have to take that first step. The more positive energy you attract, the more happiness you'll gain. Count your blessings and tell your family you love them because today you are alive, well, and happy 😄 

Pura Vida ✌️

zaterdag 5 juli 2014

A weekly dose of Pura Vida Inspiration!

Soak up the sun this summer in Pura Vida! We love these bright and flirty styles! ☀️ 

"These were taken at Cardiff near the cliffs. It's one of my favorite spots for all things fun in the sun! I wanted the photos to be beachy, playful, and care-free especially for a SoCal summer. I just happened to stumble across the purple flowers. The color was so rad and insanely vibrant!" - Ansley (photographer) 

What do you think of this shoot?

Pura Vida ✌️

Live Free Pura Vida ❤️

Pura Vida ✌️

A weekly dose of Pura Vida Inspiration!

Sand Dunes, the Pura Vida lifestyle. 

"Wind in the hair, smiles and laughs every second, a beautiful landscape, and radiant, fun, summer vibes made this one of the best shoots ever."

Pura Vida ✌️